Saturday, October 10, 2009

Win7: Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media does not work

The 2nd day after upgrading to Windows 7, I noticed the Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media has stopped working. I click on its tray icon but nothing happened (a device list suppose to pop-up). If you have Task Manager open, you should see DeviceDisplayObjectProvider.exe is launched after clicking on the tray icon. And if you kill that process, an empty device list will pop-up.

Besides that, Control Panel -> Hardware and Sound -> Devices and Printers would not load as well.

Solution: (updated 2013-11-24)
Ensure Bluetooth Support Service is running (even you do not use Bluetooth!)

By default, the Bluetooth Support Service should be running. But I manually disabled it for optimization which caused the problems...

1. Open Start menu

2. Type services.msc -> Right click -> Run as administrator

3. Look for Bluetooth Support Service, double-click to open its Properties window

4. Make sure Startup type is NOT set to Disabled. I recommend setting it to Automatic (Delayed Start) so it does not slow down your computer at start up. Click Apply if you made any changes

5. Click Start to start the service

6. At this point, the safely remove hardware feature should be working again

7. Restart your computer and Devices and Printers should load correctly as well

Alternatively, reader Qoissi Fus found that disabling the Bluetooth driver also solved the problem for him.
Just go to Device Manager -> Bluetooth Radios -> Generic Bluetooth Adapter, right-click, disable. After this I could stop again the Bluetooth Support Service without impacting the Safely Remove Hardware function. Not sure it would work on all configurations but at least it worked on mine... Hope this helps!


  1. Thank you! :-)
    I solved my problem immediately!!

  2. thanx, worked first time.

  3. THANK YOU!!!

    I hate to come across as being overly dramatic, but I was practically bashing my head against a wall trying to figure out WHAT was wrong with my computer. Nonetheless, I wish that I found your post before spending WAY TOO MUCH time between google, Microsoft Support (waste of time!) and various Windows 7 boards.

    Thank you once again!!!

  4. thank you so much, instant solution!

  5. OMG this actually worked O_O
    Thank you very, VERY much!

  6. I never actually expected this to work but wow .. it did lol
    I was also wondering why bluetooth wasn't workin properly , I'll go check if that's fixed too or not

    thanx XD

    You are the Master!!!

    I was ready to ditch the whole Win7 thing after many many hours trying to find a solution, and today I found your, and IT WORKS...... WOOOHOOOOO!!

  8. I'm lucky I found your article before decided to reinstall my laptop.

    Thank you very much.

  9. Thank you very much!

  10. Thank you too! It also did solve my problem.
    How did you ever think about this to solve the issue as "Microsoft" does not seem to know this about there own product.

  11. Hi, great work! this seem to have solved the problem for lotsa peoples. unfortunately, the Bluetooth Support Service was showing started in my "Services.msc". so i restarted it. but still doesn't help. The "Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media" remains dumb. any other suggestions?

  12. A few things you can try:

    1. Check your firewall.

    When you click on "Safely Remove Hardware", DeviceDisplayObjectProvider.exe would request Internet access if its available. And if your firewall is blocking it, then it may cause a delay due to the connection timeout.

    a) Unplug the Ethernet cable, and/or disable Wi-Fi
    b) Disable firewall
    c) Check if "Safely Remove Hardware" is working.

    2. How many removable devices were connected to your pc?

    Try unplug them all. Then connect only 1 device and see if "Safely Remove Hardware" works or not. Maybe Windows is having trouble to recognize one of them.

    Also check device manager and ensure all the drivers are installed properly. If you do not see any yellow exclamation mark, then you are good.

    3. Run SFC (System File Checker)

    Follow this excellent guide for running SFC:

    Good luck :)

  13. AWESOME mate!!
    How the hell you came across the solution?
    Bluetooth services and ejecting hardware has a connection..
    I would have never guessed it.

  14. Thanks! Been wondering about this for months!

  15. I stumbled on your post when trying to fix this problem and it worked!
    You're awesome :)
    Thank you very much...

  16. THANKS!!!!!

    I spent ages trying to figure that out ...

  17. Shockingly, this works. Hope Microsoft fix this in a hotfix. If you ask me, there is no link between ejecting my external HD and bluetooth support.

  18. This solution worked for me! Glad I found this post before putting too much time in solving this problem.

  19. Thank you All.....

    If still problem..
    I uninstalled the 'bluesoleil' software and its working fine. :)

  20. I didn't think this would work because I don't have bluetooth on my computer, but it did! Thanks for much for providing this useful information. It was driving me nuts!!

  21. Thanks heaps! Worked for me too.

  22. Solved the problem! Why the Bluetooth service makes a difference is just dumb. Didn't even have to reboot for Devices and Printers to working again. A huge thanks! It's been busted for over a year now.

  23. Thank you :) It worked lika a charm.

  24. thanks very much dude... it worked instantly

  25. Also a great thank you of a Belgian guy you helped with this solution.

  26. Thanks a lot!I would never think that the bluetooth process could have caused this!

  27. Thank you! It is really work! You're allsome!

    From Jeffrey

  28. Thank you so much for the solution.It was eating my head for a long time, tried everything but your solution works like a charm. God bless you.

  29. Thanks so much, Eric.I am having this problem for 18 months! For those who need to re-do the complete steps each time you re-start your pc, here is one point to note: make sure that the Startup Type is set to automatic, if not, right click on the Bluetooth Support Service and select "Properties" and change the Startup Type to automatic. Cheers to all!

  30. Thanks bro. It worked instantly for me.This windows crap is too much to handle.

  31. Thanks so much - your solution solved my problem immediately!

  32. For me the right click > start was not highlighted.

    Did right click > properties. Then change "start automatically" then apply and exit. And now right click > start :)

  33. Thanks for the comments above :)

    I have added the startup type info in my post.

  34. Nice.That worked.Before fix I had to click more than 10 times to see it.Now only 1 click suffice.

  35. Eric you are a Genius, I thought I had a bad install, ou fixed the problem in less than 30 seconds. THANK YOU

  36. excellent tip. problem solved.
    many thanks. keep up the good work.

  37. its worked thanks a lot

  38. worked great thank you!!!

  39. worked perfect!!! wonderful...

  40. Amazing! Worked instantly.

  41. Thank you sooo much!! I thought it was hopeless cause i read in some other site that i might need to go into local group settings to fix this, and i have home premium, so i thought i installed something that forever messed up my new computer. But i forgot that i disabled the bluetooth service cause i didn't want the icon on the taskbar and i don't have any bluetooth services. I'm so glad this WORKED!!!!

  42. thanks genius it work on my pc but after removing the hardware it does not give me the message to notify that the hardware has been removed,what can i do?and what will be the solution for a computer which does not have Bluetooth adapter

  43. @Godwin Tunze

    Assuming you are using Windows 7, go to the Notification Area Icons setting and make sure Windows Explorer is not set to Hide icon and notifications. Or just make sure your drive disappear from My Computer before disconnecting.

    The Bluetooth Support Service is always available, even if the computer has no bluetooth adapter.

  44. thank you very much. . after searching the web this is the best solution to my problem. . hopefully you can help many people having problems like this. . thumbs up

  45. thank you so much!!!

  46. thanks a lot for the tip.

  47. Still I can't understand why this works. But this definitely helped me solve my problem. Thanks for the tip.

  48. Thanks Eric, This helped to resolve my problem..

  49. Thanks! Worked immediately, didn't even need to reboot! Silly question, why does the Bluetooth Support Service also handle Devices and Printers and removable media???

  50. THANK YOU!!!! Had no idea Bluetooth would ahev anythignto do with that. but its fixed now your a genius

  51. thx..its working...thx u very much..

  52. Brilliant - Love your work- Did the job first time around -

  53. Thanks for this solution. I know Windows OSes are weird but not to this extent in this problem: enable bluetooth to be able to reject your hard drive.

  54. Thanks a lot it worked.

  55. great work dude .. this is real knowledge .. thanx a lot :)

  56. HELP!!!
    when i plug my thumb drive to my USB port, the icon of "Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media" does not appear!!!
    Rest 3 no of USB port don have this issue

  57. Can you clarify the problem? What do you mean by "Rest 3 no of USB port don have this issue"? Does the icon show up if you connect your thumb drive to another USB port? Are you having issue only with that particular thumb drive? What version of Windows are you running?

  58. unbelievable... i been troubled by this for weeks.. now everything get normal..!!

    so brilliant ~!!!!

  59. Thank you.
    It look like I have stopped more services than I should have...

  60. Hi Eric, i followed all your instructions, but when come to right click "Bluetooth Support Service", all the options: 'Start' 'Stop' 'Pause' 'Resume' 'Restart' are disabled. :( Could you guide me on this? Thanks!

  61. @旋律, sounds like your Bluetooth Support Service is set to Disabled.

    To enable a service:
    1. double-click to open its properties dialog
    2. change Startup type to Automatic (Delayed Start)
    3. click Apply
    4. the Start option should be enabled

  62. Worked like a charm

  63. Hi Eric, the Bluetooth startup type is disabled (in grey) and i m not allowed to change to Automatic:(

  64. @旋律, do you have administrator privileges?

    Try the following:
    1. open Start menu
    2. type Services
    3. in the list of results, look for Services, right click -> Run as administrator
    4. you should be able to control the Bluetooth Support Service

    If not, scroll down and check if the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service is Started

  65. Hi Eric, I run Services, but no 'Services' was found in the result list. Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service is shown started.

  66. @旋律, let me clarify. In step 2, type Services (but don't run it yet), you should see something like
    this screenshot

  67. Excellent! Thanks Eric. I have got my problem solved!!!! Thanks again for all your patience and guidance!

  68. Hi Eric,
    Thanks for posting your solution.
    It worked. As some others already wrote, who indeed (but you ?) could have guessed the connection between hardware ejection and the Bluetooth service...

  69. thank u it worked ...

  70. thank you for this info!

  71. working... thanks alot

  72. It worked immediately. Thanks for this. and thanks to google for ranking you so high :)

  73. YES! YOU ARE BRILLIANT - well done

  74. Thank you...that's working

  75. Great,

    Thanks a lot!!!!!!!

  76. Fantastic. Many thanks. Who would have thought a post you made four years ago would still be earning kudos. Nice!

  77. My options to start it are grayed out. please help :)

  78. @Anonymous, sounds like either you don't have administrator privileges, or the Bluetooth Support Service is set to Disabled.

    I have updated the instruction. Try again and see if that resolve your problem ;)

  79. Awesome, it worked

  80. Got the same problem, and restarting the service solved the issue for me as well.
    However I found another solution that worked even better for me as I really don't need Bluetooth support on my system: I simply disabled the Bluetooth driver.
    Just go to Device Manager -> Bluetooth Radios -> Generic Bluetooth Adapter, right-click, disable.
    After this I could stop again the Bluetooth Support Service without impacting the Safely Remove Hardware function.
    Not sure it would work on all configurations but at least it worked on mine...
    Hope this helps!

  81. Thanks Qoissi! I have added your findings in the post

  82. Fantastic how on earth did you figure that one out

  83. All respect for you! Thank's man!!

  84. Thanks a lot man. This is really helpful. I was going to format my machine for this problem.

  85. Oh my, Thank you so much, I was supposed to call a friend to see whats wrong. Fortunately he was still busy that's why told myself what the heck, I could find probably someone at the internet for information. luckily I found your site... thanks a lot again.

  86. I Had same problem , after lots of attemps it still did not show my device to safe remove.
    But after the computer updated the service pack all was fine.

  87. I had Safely Remove show up when a USB drive was inserted, but no drive letter appeared; only '...'. The problem was a missing \Program Files\Internet Explorer\ieproxy.dll.

    Note: this directory was not in the path; it must be a static reference with a hard-coded directory name.

  88. Thanks a lot for the solution, it worked for me even if Bluetooth support service apparently has nothing to do with USB ports and the device and printers option from Control panel.

  89. Thanks a lot, very very much..
    It works very good and the problem is solved.

  90. This solution hasn't worked for me.

    I have used Windows 7 Professional for four years on a ThinkPad Edge (this appears to be ThinkPad connected) and never encountered this problem until I used Windows Update. It was turned off until a week ago when my HDD failed and I had to restore a WindowsImage from 2 years ago (to a replacement HDD) following which I decided to update Windows. So now Safely Remove Device works OK at Startup then gets VERY slow, as does Shutdown IF I have tried to Safely Remove Device during the session.

    Playing with BT settings or uninstalling USB Controllers has caused the Safely Remove function to work momentarily.

    I'm still searching for a definitive solution...

  91. so far none of suggested solutions have worked. No eject option for usb drive(s) in Windows Explorer. No drives/devices listed in Safely Remove Hardware tool. Created shortcut for ejecting using run cmd - it at least will list the USB drive but Stop doesn't work - says its not removable. Checked bluetooth services. Running. Tried unplugging from ethernet/wifi and disabling securitiy (eset). No difference. Any other suggestions? Have not yet tried the last option found (sfc)...
    Running windows 7 64bit professional. Don't recall when it quit working.


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