Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Unity: Deploy Unity game on Google Sites

In Unity 5, I created a Web Player build of my game. It generated a .html and unity3d file for deployment. I wanted to deploy it to my Website which is hosted on Google Sites. But Google Sites do not support uploading html files directly.

Luckily, Unity user marceloroca came up with a solution by creating a custom Google Gadget.
1. login to Google Sites
2. create a Web page for your game
3. upload the .unity3d file as an attachment, and copy it's url
4. edit the Web page and select Insert > More gadgets > Add gadget by URL
5. use the Google Gadget created by marceloroca:
6. paste the .unity3d file url as WebPlayer Url
7. edit the width and height, and the rest of the configuration

Google Sites for hosting my game + issue tracking - Unity Answers

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