Showing posts with label Game. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Game. Show all posts

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Steam: Move game files to another drive

1. Steam > Settings > Downloads > Steam Library Folders
2. Add Library Folder and select the desired location
3. Click OK to apply the settings
4. Right-click on the game which you want to move > Properties...
5. Local Files > Move Install Folder

How to Move a Steam Game to Another Drive, The Easy Way

Sunday, November 27, 2016

PS3: 機動戦士ガンダム EXTREME VS. スキル一覧

スキル名 取得場所 効果
制限時間増加 候補生:コンスコン強襲 制限時間が30秒増加する。
敵ロックオン集中 一般兵:宇宙を駆ける 敵が自機をロックオンしやすくなる。
敵ロックオン回避 ニュータイプ:5thルナ攻防戦 敵が僚機をロックオンしやすくなる。
ゲージ非表示 ニュータイプ:VS.ガンダム!(1) ゲージを全て非表示にする。
敵ガード確率減少 ニュータイプ:衝撃の黒歴史 敵がガードしにくくなる。
機体コスト-500 候補生:インダストリアル強襲 自機と僚機の機体コストを500下げる。
味方間ダメージ軽減Lv.MAX 一般兵:本気モードで行くぜ!
ステップキャンセル消費量Lv,MAX 一般兵:人間だけを殺す機械
ブーストキャンセル消費量Lv.MAX 候補生:アーガマ強襲
底力で攻撃力アップ ニュータイプ:死闘!マスターガンダム! 耐久力が100以下になると攻撃力が1.5倍にアップする。
ビーム防御 一般兵:マスターアジア、暁に死す ビーム系射撃攻撃のダメージを1/3に軽減する。
実弾防御 指揮官:破壊の三重奏 実弾系射撃攻撃のダメージを1/3に軽減する。
耐久力強化Lv.MAX 候補生:2人だけのシャッフル同盟
耐久力回復Lv.MAX 一般兵:連邦軍兵士の意地
獲得MP増加Lv.MAX 一般兵:木馬と白い悪魔
戦力補充 候補生:鮮烈!シュラク隊
攻撃特化 ニュータイプ:ソロモンの悪夢 戦闘中に与えるダメージが1.5倍になるが被ダメージは2倍に増加する。
防御特化 一般兵:激突戦域 戦闘中の被ダメージが半分になるが与えるダメージも半分になる。
EXバースト+ 指揮官:赤い彗星 EXゲージがFULLではない状態でEXバーストしても、FULLの時と同様の効果を与える。
開始時EXゲージFULL 一般兵:デビルガンダム軍団 戦闘開始時からEXゲージがFULL状態になる。
EXゲージ性能強化 候補生:ポケットの中の戦争
指揮力 候補生:ユニコーンの日

機動戦士ガンダム EXTREME VS.(エクストリーム バーサス)攻略:スキル一覧
【攻略】PS3 機動戰士鋼彈 極限VS 技能取得關卡、功能一覽表... @鋼彈 哈啦板 - 巴哈姆特

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Game development: fighting game action and movement

I came across this case study on turning a simple punch animation to be more impressive and intense. It's a funny and interesting read.
【專欄】別再揮空氣了!關於遊戲中的「打擊感」三兩事 - 巴哈姆特

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Drakengard 3: Route D tips and tricks

Yesterday I finally beat Drakengard 3. It was bad enough where I had to search online for help. Here is some tips & tricks I found which helped me unlock & finish Route D.

Unlock Route D:
You need to collect all weapons in order to unlock Route D. Meaning you need to collect tons of gold to buy all weapons from the shop, hunt down a bunch of treasure chests, and complete a handful of Accord's missions.

Tips on gold farming:
Use Spear - demise's warning bell (from chest in Route C part 4)
Equip Sword - dark blood blade (37800G from shop), it helps building up the blood gauge faster.

Do the 2nd Accord mission of the Desert 3 times, then do the payday mission. Depends on your performance, repeat this cycle 3 times should get you enough gold to buy all the weapons from the shop.

Treasure chests and Accord's missions:
After purchasing all weapons, I was stuck at 98% completion! Thanks to this walkthrough by DraikTempest, you can refer to the weapon locations and mission list to see which one you are missing.

Final Boss:
The final boss seems impossible to beat, especially the part where the screen went completely dark. Luckily, final boss timing guide come to rescue! I would strongly recommend you to download the video and play it offline to avoid any network latency or video lag.
【DOD3】音ゲー譜面のようなもの - YouTube
Dragon-on Dragoon / Drakengard 3 Route D Last Boss Timing Guide - YouTube

If you're feeling lazy, just watch the walkthrough on YouTube ;)

Any tips for collecting money? - Drakengard 3 Message Board for PlayStation 3 - GameFAQs
Gold farm - Drakengard 3 Message Board for PlayStation 3 - GameFAQs

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Driver San Francisco: Driver.exe has stopped working

I bought Driver San Francisco on Steam today. After waiting 2 hours for it to download (it's 10GB!), I was excited and ready to get my hand on the wheel......except I was greeted by an error message when I launch the game.

1. browse to My Documents\Ubisoft\Driver San Francisco
2. create a text file named graphics.ini
3. paste the following text and save the file
Fullscreen = 1
VSync = 1
PreciseVSync = 0
Width = 1280
Height = 720
RenderQuality = 1
AntiAliasing = 0
RadialBlur = 0

Thanks to Anslem who posted this on Steam User's Forum

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Game: Playing Minecraft Through a Proxy

java -DsocksProxyHost=localhost -DsocksProxyPort=1080 -Xmx800m -jar Minecraft.exe

This command allow you to tunnel the Java executable via a SOCKS proxy. The host and port number are obvious. -Xmx specify the maximum size, in bytes, of the memory allocation pool.

Playing Minecraft Through a Proxy

Monday, August 22, 2011

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Game: Controller Issue with Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light

I bought Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light on Steam during their holiday sale. Everything works great until when I start using my generic USB controller. The right-analog stick suppose to let you aim the weapon at the direction you press. But instead Lara just draws the weapon and then put it right back, and keep switching back and forth.

Turns out the joystick of my controller still work while ANALOG mode is OFF, although it behaves differently (depends on the game).

1. Check the ANALOG button on your controller and ensure it is ON.
2. In the gamepad configuration of the game, change Gamepad Axes to Z Axis & Z Rotation. It may vary for your controller.

Finally, I would recommend changing the button configuration to match with the PS3 one. Sadly the game does not work with MotioninJoy's PS3 controller driver, so I can't play it with my actual PS3 controller.

Control Issues PC
Coop with K&B + Controller
Controls are absolutely awful?